Namaste Day 2024: Talk | 16:30: Crystals & Minerals


Crystals & Minerals with Andrew Stephenson from Star Das Creations in the Speaker Space at 11:30am.
Talks run for 30 mins with a 15 min Q&A afterwards.

Please note that booking a talk does not grant entry to the event.
Get entry tickets for Namaste Day here

PREBOOKING CLOSED! Book on the day at the Info Booth

Intro to crystals, a bit on what they are and where they are found.
Crystals and their history with humans throughout the millennia
Are crystals able to help us? The science behind the magic.
What can crystals do for us in our daily lives?

About Andrew Stevenson 
Andrew from Star Das Creations crystal jewellery has been working with crystals for his whole life and has come to find a passion in sharing mother nature’s beautiful creations with the world.